It's that time again. While there's always more to say on finances, it's time to wrap this one up. Don't worry, there will be more posts on maintaining workplace serenity no matter the economic conditions.
In case you missed any, here's a recap:
The power of serenity: It's easy to be serene when you're flush with cash. But how do you maintain it when you've got $13 in your bank account. I share how I did it when a check from a client bounced.
Financial mind shifts for successful freelancing: Five new ways of seeing money and business in order to stay solvent no matter the financial tides.
Financial planning 101: Q&A with financial planner Sherrill St. Germain on the most common financial blunders freelancers make.
How I increased my income in nine months: Six steps that caused my income to shoot up.
Collecting what's yours: Guest blogger Kristine Hansen shares how to go about getting your money when a client is behind.
Three ways to increase your income this month: Short term cash can be hard to come by, but here's how to use your writing skills to make some bank now.
Prioritizing cashflow: Guest blogger Julie Sturgeon shares how she made room in her budget to create a cash cushion.
Proving you're worth the money: Two ways to increase income with current clients, and how to show you're worth it.
Creating order with financial plans: Guest blogger Katrina Ramser shows how to prioritize spending, saving and debt repayment.
Budget vs. spending plan: Why I prefer the latter and how it can help you save.
Creating a spending plan: Knowing you should have one and actually sitting down to create one are quite different. Seven easy steps to your first spending plan.
Having your day in (small claims) court: Guest blogger and legal journalist Lorelei Laird shares how she won back payment in small claims court and how you can do it too.
Ways to save: Four ways to add saving into your spending plan, and to keep at it.
Creating a personal savings marketing plan: Convince yourself to save the same way brands convince you to spend.
The great health insurance challenge: Affordable, quality health insurance is a block to financial stability. What works for you?
The case against high-deductible plans: Why low-premium, high-deductible plans may not be the best financial option for you.
Group healthcare love for the lonely freelancer: Seven writers groups that offer health insurance, and whether it might work for you.
More group health love: Three more places to look for group health plans, and one big warning.
Fear not the IRS: Ways to make peace with the IRS at tax time.
Setting up quarterly estimated taxes: A few easy steps to paying tax as you go, and avoiding penalties.
Photo by Refracted Moments.
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