Saturday, April 3, 2010

30-Day Confidence-Building Challenge: Quiet the Lizard Brain

Seth Godin: Quieting the Lizard Brain from 99% on Vimeo.

For your weekend enjoyment, check out this longish video of marketing expert Seth Godin. You may have heard a lot about him this year. He's the newest guru. But ignore that. For our purposes, Godin talks about something very important in terms of building confidence: Quieting the fear.

Now, confident people aren't free of fear. That's a myth. You can know this is true because you probably look confident from the outside, too. But on the inside? Fearful, insecure, doubtful and future-focused. Among other things. Godin's talking about something that increases serenity tremendously. He's talking about not muscling through the fear, not ignoring it, but acknowledging it, and then doing the work anyway.

That's how you gain confidence. And that's how you send your brilliant work out into the world. And that's how your work becomes better so you can become the writer you want to be.


1 comment:

Sherry said...

I enjoyed this post. One thing that I've learned that has helped me on my jouney is that fear has a prominent place in our thinking. What I didn't realize, but comes our of "A Course in Miracles," is that Love is the opposite of fear. When we are struggling with fear. A great affirmation is: "Fear has no power over me. I am courageous and bathed in the light of love." The other interesting thing about fear is that if we are "in the present" there is no fear. Fear is only manifested from the future. We are always afraid of what "will" happen, sometimes based on what already happened in the past. Hence the idea that if we live in the present moment, fear does not exist. Blessings and thanks for sharing this post. Namaste, Sherry
Daily Spiritual Tools