Friday, December 19, 2008

A Year of Self-Employed Serenity

As of Nov. 30, this blog had been around for a year. To celebrate it, the 131 posts so far and all the great discussion on this blog, I'm highlighting the most popular posts of the year. In another post, I'll highlight Editor Picks--that is, my favorite posts.

Getting Over Rejection Creatively. A Q&A with Creatively Self-Employed blogger and author Kristen Fischer.

30-Day Business Planning Challenge: Goals vs. Actions. In this post I make my case for a business plan based on what you can control--not on what you can't control, such as whether the New Yorker recognizes your genius this year.

Serenity Tip: Email Time. A quick and easy way to wrangle your email and keep it from taking over your life.

30-Day Self-Care Challenge: Day 7. One of the greatest ways to care for myself is to do work that feeds my soul. Here, I highlight one way to do that.

Serenity Tip: PITA Tax. Have clients that are robbing you of serenity by overstepping the bounds of professionalism. Here's one solution.

Serenity Insurance: Being a Good Steward
. If you're self-employed you know that the things you use to function on a daily basis keep you sane. Keep them functioning by remembering your obligation to take care of them.

Where Does Your Happiness Come From? Another way to look at rejection is to remove your ego from the equation and practice gratitude.

30-Day Organizing Challenge: Day 1. Any time you start a new venture or attempt to change a long-ingrained pattern, you've got to assess where you're at and set priorities. Here's how I do it.

30-Day Organizing Challenge: Day 2. Change is overwhelming. Here's one way to deal with organizing overwhelm. A guest post from organizer June Bell.

30-Day Organizing Challenge: Day 14. Here, guest blogger Janine Adams lays out the top five most common organizing mistakes.

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